Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day 2015 at Walmart

Imagine the confusion my family and I experienced one afternoon when, upon entering the Walmart on Alton Gloor, we were greeted by security guards who were a bit more serious than usual. As we and other customers approached, they directed us to cut through the self-checkout area.

A crowd had gathered. Seemingly everyone had their hands raised, holding their cell phones high for a shot of some unknown-to-us spectacle. We soon made our way toward a clearing near the produce section where we finally saw the reason for the commotion.

It was May 5th, Memorial Day. Flags, representing the Army, Marine Corps, Air Force, Navy, and Coast Guard, were already on display as members from Brownsville's LAST Patrol marched forward to secure their POW/MIA, Texas, and United States flags on a stand, while two others stood beside them.

We all stood in awe of the presentation. A few minutes later, one of the men spoke of the significance of Memorial Day and the sacrifices made for our country by the courageous people serving in the Armed Forces. The crowd applauded, pictures were taken, video was recorded, and the patrolmen removed their flags, leaving the ones representing the Armed Forces.

Once the crowd had somewhat cleared, I was able to quickly speak to one of the members. He told me that the non-profit organization was started in October 2015. They were veterans who wanted to help other veterans. He then handed me a card with contact information.

I urge you to visit their website and Facebook page for more information, inform your friends and family of their cause, and, if you can, donate.